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Carote Cookware Review
Carote Cookware is one of the best selling pans on Amazon. While the brand is relatively unknown in America, they are quite popular in Asia. According to the online sources, they have been manufacturing cookware for over 20 years. In Asia, there is a much more rich combination of colors and design. However, in the states, we are limited only to the wood grain and granite pan pattern. Combine that with the almost nonexistent marketing they do, most people never heard of it. While it does have some issue, for the price, its one of the best stoneware nonstick cookware on the market. This review will take a closer look at the design and features of Carote Cookware.
Carote Cookware Review Quick Summary
Categories | |
Performance | Great |
Colors | Granite |
Brand Awareness | America |
Handle | Bakelite |
Pouring Lip | No |
Oven Safe | 350 Degree Fahrenheit |
Country of Manufacturer | China |
Thoughts | In terms of price and performance, you cannot really beat them for what you get. While they are not really known in the states, they are popular in Asia. The only downside is that they do not have a lot of customer support in the states. |
Reviewed Cookware | Carote Nonstick Frying Pan Set/Fry Pan Set/Cookware Set,3-Piece,8-Inch 9.5-Inch and 12-Inch,Black |
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Carote Cookware Design
This section will talk about the various design and features of Carote Cookware. We will see what was done right and what was done wrong.
While the handle looks like wood, the actual material is plastic. These handles have a nice and comfortable feel to it. It’s soft and surprisingly ergonomic. Since its plastic, it will also stay cool to the touch on the stove top. The issues with plastic handle is that there is a upper limit on the oven safe temperature. For this pan, it has a limit of 350 degree Fahrenheit.
Curious about the construction, I looked up the spec sheet online and found that its made of bakelite. Bakelite is one of the first synthetic plastic product. In the past, they only come in brown color and vintage bakelite products are considered to be collectibles. These day, bakelite plastic arent really used that often. Quite interesting that they use that for the handle.
The skillet resembles that of a traditional french skillet. They are perfect for tossing food with your wrist. The issue is that this technique requires practice. If you are not skilled at this, you need to use a spatula. In these situation tall sidewall gets in the way. Not only that, these tall sidewall promotes condensation of steam.
This will increase the chance that food will steam instead of sear. The good thing about these pans is that they are perfect for Omelette. A rounded interior and tall sidewall means that rolling and flipping is easier.
These pans lack any sort of pouring lip. If you try to drain liquid, expect it to leak down the side.
Carote Cookware Nonstick Coating
The nonstick coating is swiss made. I tried to find who the manufacturer was. The closest I found was by a brand of ILAG, swiss quality coating. This is their catalog for the coating. According to the advert on amazon, they are the same company.
This coating does not appear to be teflon. Most likely it is ceramic. A lot of manufacturer these days like to advertise it as “Healthy”. What that really means is that they do not use PFOA, which is a chemical pollutant. The problem with that is that these type of cookware generally do not last very long.
Ceramic has other issues such as ductility. They cannot flex and expand as well as teflon. Overtime, they will develop micro tears reducing its overall nonstick ability. The upside to this is that they do not release toxic fumes like teflon will.
To prolong the life of the nonstick coating, follow the same precaution as you would with any nonstick pan. Never use any metal utensils or over heat the pan. Those are the quickest way of destroying the pan. You can temper the heat of the pan by always adding oil to a cold pan. If you see smoke coming from it, you overheated the pan.
Induction Bottom
For a pan to be induction compatible, it needs to have a magnetic pull. Since aluminum has a weak magnetic pull, manufacturer will often time put a stainless steel base. This stainless steel base makes the pan heavier and improve overall heat distribution. While stainless steel are known for their poor heat distribution, they compensate by making it really thick. The thicker and heavier it is, the more even the heat distribution. The added heft also improves the overall heat capacity of the pan. This helps sear food better. Usually these base are added cost that will increase the price of the cookware.
The lid is made of glass so that you can look inside when cooking. The issue with these lids is simply durability. While you can look inside initially, once it steams, its pretty much useless. For that reason, an all metal lid is actually better. It does have vent hole to help let out steam.
The pan offers a 12 month warranty. While that is relatively short. My experience with nonstick warranty is that most are not honored. The manufacturer will claim that its your fault so its kinda pointless. It cost you more money to ship it in then buy a new one. In those instance, its best to just buy a new one.
Carote Cookware Thoughts
Carote Cookware is one of the most affordable cookware on the market. While there are other similar products, they seem to be the oem distributor of this design. From the construction to design, they are truly great for what you pay. I imagine that if they release the different color variation in the state, they will flourish. If you are looking for a nonstick pan, these are the way to go.
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27 Comments on “Carote Cookware Review”
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Jean-Jacques Senechal
May 25, 2020 at 6:40 amGood morning and happy Memorial day.
I enjoy your blogs. Very informative.
I own a large Carote casserole pot, it’s 12.5 inch and very deep.
However, unfortunately I recently dropped the lid and it smashed into pieces.
I have been desperately attempting to find a replacement lid, however I can’t find the lid size.
I am hoping you may be able to help. Maybe a contact number or direct website to CAROTE.
Thank you.
Curated Cook
May 25, 2020 at 3:06 pmWhen you cant find their website or contact information. Usually the manufacturer delegate customer service to the distributor. I recommend that you contact the company where you bought it from.
On a side note, I found a skillet that is 12.5 inch with a lid. That might fit your need.
July 1, 2021 at 7:20 amHey can you tell me if they are PTFE free?
Curated Cook
July 1, 2021 at 9:50 pmAccording to the Manufacturer website, its PTFE free.
June 2, 2020 at 4:36 pmI’ve found Carote’s webside, but it’s in Chinese.
They claimed to have 20yrs in non-stick cookware manufacturing.
Curated Cook
June 2, 2020 at 5:23 pmOh wow, I wonder why they didn’t do more marketing for the american market. Thank you for the information, this is very helpful.
June 13, 2020 at 11:26 amGreat to see a such informative review, been interested in this brand, mainly because the design is more colourful here in China.
Actually the website above is not Carote’s official website, it’s more of a collective brand indexing website. This one gives more info in English.
I also checked Carote’s official flagship store on tmall and jingdong, they claim that they have been the OEM for some nonstick brands outside of China for more than 20 years, and in 2016 they started to develop the domestic market. According to the sales network, they’ve got stores in China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Canada and the US.
Curated Cook
June 13, 2020 at 6:02 pmThe plot thickens! I wonder if we will ever get any official info from the manufacturer! Thank you for the info, this is really helpful.
Peter Simmons
June 23, 2020 at 1:53 pmHi, saw your review on the Carote frying pan. I bought one on Amazon, and the handle CRACKED the second time I used it. It is supposed to be able to handle BAKING temperatures of 350 degrees,and that’s EXACTLY what my oven was set at. Any ideas about getting a refund?
-Peter Simmons
Hendersonville, TN
Curated Cook
June 23, 2020 at 3:39 pmHi Peter,
If you purchased it on amazon, there is usually a 30 day return period. I recommend that you contact amazon for a refund or an exchange.
Best Regards,
Curated Cook
Steven A.
February 14, 2021 at 9:50 amHave you verified your oven’s temperature (versus setting)? Most are off by a surprisingly large amount.
Vera A Semon
August 26, 2020 at 1:26 pmMy husband put our pan in the dishwasher and there was a soot like substance rubbing off of it. I wouldn’t expect an item made with stainless steel to have a substance and I can’t just wash it off now. It also has a very dull finish on the bottom. Does anyone know what that could be?
February 21, 2022 at 10:51 amCarote pans, and most pots and pans for that matter, are actually not supposed to be put in the dishwasher. Carote pans are coated with a ceramic/granite nonstick coating. it is a stone nonstick coating over the diecast aluminum base. I understand you posted this a long time ago, but that soot was the coating. Washing it in the dishwasher essentially ruined your pan. You should always handwash pots and pans. Carote in particular specifically states handwash only, had you read the care instructions. Only the bottom base is stainless steel to make it compatible with induction stovetops.
December 3, 2023 at 6:21 pmThis is the first time I’ve heard someone give a reason for the sooty black that washes off the bottom of the pans. I’ve used one pan exactly twice (just got the set last week) and when washing the pan afterwards….the metal bottom exudes that black liquid. In the future, should I avoid getting water on the metal bottom of the pan? I’m not sure I can learn that new habit. :-/
These pans are soooo pretty but I’ve read that the bottoms will brown up fast and look hideous and that the silicone handles will discolor or melt (they’re not bakelite, I’m not sure why they are calling it that). Also, the non-stick coating starts chipping pretty fast. I am treating these things as precious delicate kitchen ornaments. I cook with them at such a low heat, it might as well be by candle flame….but those permanent brown stained bottoms….I’m doing my best to avoid that.
December 3, 2023 at 6:25 pmForgot to add….I only hand wash (no dishwasher) and then dry immediately.
January 2, 2021 at 4:09 pmI rather use De Buyer frying pans, they are made in France with Carbon Steel materials …
At first I thought this Carote frying pans are from Switzerland, however, once I drilled in deeper, they are Chinese made …, but no sign upfront related to China …
Curated Cook
January 3, 2021 at 1:00 amDe Buyer make some great cast iron pans. My favorite being the Mineral B variety. However, there are time and place for nonstick pans. Most notably when cooking eggs. While I wouldn’t use Carote Pans as a everyday pan. I do use it occasionally.
January 10, 2021 at 5:31 pmI bought the the 8 inch carote frying pan from Amazon. It was as advertised as made from Switzerland. Was so disappointed when I got it..the outside part of the pan is smooth, while the interior is very rough!! Is that how the nonstick should be? I’m really scared to use it because it might be a health hazard. Plus it’s not Swiss made, right in front of the pan covering, it’s made in China!! What a false advertisement! I will never buy this brand again, ever!!
Curated Cook
January 10, 2021 at 10:30 pmThe rough interior is part of the nonstick design. It should be safe to use. Thank you for sharing your experience with the brand. We really appreciate it.
February 21, 2022 at 11:14 amThey are a swiss born company from what I can tell, as they started on the market in Europe in 2002, then as they grew they established their factories in China and Vietnam. Which when you think about it, makes since. For obvious labor reasons, as well as the fact that many cookware smithery techniques originated in Asia, as well as the fact those locations are already huge for quickly and efficiently exporting goods. If you go to Carote’s FAQ they even state that they are officially made in China and Vietnam, and all information about their company start to finish is there. They have not falsely advertised anything, and they’re amazing pans, with excellent customer service, and good longevity in comparison, if you give them proper care.
Mary Hansen
March 19, 2021 at 10:54 amI used the 8 ” skillet 2 weeks. Love it. Ordered set. Now shocked that I can’t use it in oven over 350°. That’s why I got it. I will use in oven set at 275 or 300 and hope for the best. Rough interior does not come off and cleans like a breeze with warm soapy water. nothing sticks
All in all I’m satisfied. AMAZING price. 11″ and 9.5 ” Fry pans and 3 sizes Dutch ovens sauce pan, LIds galore. 4 stars.
Curated Cook
March 19, 2021 at 11:47 pmHi Mary,
Thank you for the information. Its great to hear someone enjoying it.
~Curated Cook
December 29, 2021 at 12:43 amI used curated frying pan i really likeit.i interested open a mini franchise in Kerala india.kerala is largest cansumer state in India.
Old Gramps
March 22, 2022 at 8:46 amThe coating on my brand new Carote skillet is flaking off. All this coating is just paint, right. Who would cook anything in a painted skillet? Back to cast iron or carbon steel for frying.
Painted skillets and pans are good for boiling water only. LOL
Lesley Woolfe
August 5, 2023 at 12:34 pmThe bakelite handles on my carote have started to peel. The covering that looks like wood. It’s plain underneath and now looks a mess. Curry has stained the handles before this happened. Really disappointed with this.
Jenny Robinson
August 30, 2023 at 2:13 pmIf I shouldn’t use high heat with Carole, can I boil water in them like for potatoes or pasta?????
Curated Cook
September 1, 2023 at 4:32 pmWhen boiling water, the water will act as a heat buffer. The pan wont reach temperature too high above 212 degree, which is the boiling point of water. You should be fine boiling water for pasta or potato. Just dont let it run dry.
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